Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries

The Campaign Breaking Boundaries seeks to portray inspiring and self-confident women working in different job positions within the biathlon family. Raising awareness about the number of great women working in biathlon should encourage more women to work in different biathlon fields in the future and shall help them to also take leading positions.

Women are playing and have played a major role in developing the sport of Biathlon, but there is a lack of female leadership in National Federations and the coaching staff, officials, referees and volunteers. This is something the IBU want to address firmly in the future.

Justine Braisaz-Bouchet: Worldclass biathlete and mother

Justine Braisaz-Bouchet, a champion biathlete and a new mom. In 2023, she amazed everyone by becoming the top female biathlete, just after having her daughter. Her story is a powerful mix of sports, family, and never giving up.

From France to the world stage, she shows us how to balance being a top athlete and a loving mom. After a strong comeback in the World Cup, she not only won races but also set an example of true determination.

Join us in exploring Justine's incredible year. From fast skiing to perfect shooting, and from caring for her baby to leading her team to victory. Her story is about reaching for the stars, both in sports and in life. Justine Braisaz-Bouchet: a true hero on and off the biathlon tracks.

Read more about her inspiring journey here

Tadeja Brankovič (SLO), Team Manager of the Slovenian Biathlon Federation

Dive into the remarkable story of Tadeja Brankovič, a former biathlete turned team manager. From chasing dreams on the snow to battling life's fiercest storms. Her story is about being strong, not giving up, and having a relentless spirit.

Tadeja Brankovič isn't just a former biathlete; she's a symbol of the human spirit. From the heart of Slovenia, her journey through the biathlon tracks to the world of management. The turbulent pathway of life showcases her incredible resilience.

Read more about her inspiring journey here.

Ulrika Oeberg (SWE), Sports Director of the Swedish Biathlon Federation and TC Member

Ulrika Oeberg breaks boundaries in the world of biathlon as a former athlete, Sports Director of the Swedish Biathlon Federation, Chief of Competition, Technical Delegate, and Technical Committee Member since 2022. Her passion for biathlon started when she was 16 and since then she pursued an inspiring career path in the biathlon family becoming a role model not only for women, but also for men.

As the video was released, Oeberg was participating in the second TC Meeting since her election in September 2022 where she plays an important role in shaping the future of biathlon.

Watch the whole interview with Ulrika here.

Sara Studebaker-Hall (USA), International Referee and TC Member

Sara Studebaker-Hall is a former biathlete from the USA who competed professionally between 2007 and 2014, including two Olympics and three World Championships. After retiring from competition, Sara pursued a career as an International Referee (IR) in biathlon and worked towards her official certification. She has since been appointed as a Technical Delegate (TD) for the sport and was elected to the Technical Committee (TC) in September 2022.

Sara Studebaker-Hall breaks stereotypes in the world of biathlon as a former athlete, referee, and technical committee member, advocating for improved representation of women and lesser-known nations. Her inspiring journey shows how she stays true to her love of the sport while fighting for more equitable representation for women and nations that are often left out of the spotlight.

Read more about her inspiring journey here.

Clare Egan (USA), IBU Athletes´ Committee Chair

Clare Egan, an esteemed U.S. biathlete, transitioned from cross-country skiing to biathlon in 2013, quickly rising to prominence. Her debut in the BMW IBU World Cup in January 2015 marked the beginning of a remarkable career, highlighted by a World Cup podium finish in Oslo, Norway, in March 2019.

Beyond her athletic success, Clare has been a voice for her fellow athletes, chairing the IBU Athletes' Committee from 2018 to 2022, and holding a voting position on the IBU Executive Board.

Living in Lake Placid, USA, Clare continues to inspire, championing the representation of women in biathlon and showcasing how love for the sport can lead to greater equity and recognition. Her influence within the sport is a powerful symbol of the potential and prowess of women, setting a trail for others to follow.

Watch the whole interview with Clare here.

Stefani Popova (BUL), Ski technician

Stefani Popova is a former World Cup biathlete and now one of the few female wax technicians in the biathlon circuit.

After concluding her active skiing career in 2018, Stefani found herself at a crossroads. The absence of her beloved sport led her into a period of depression, a void she knew she needed to fill. The passion that once fueled her on the slopes was rekindled in an unexpected way: waxing.

Initially skeptical of becoming a wax technician, Stefani's relentless drive and commitment to equality spurred her on. She fought tirelessly to prove her skill and place in a predominantly male field. Her job now includes the intricate art of selecting skis, understanding the nuances of snow and temperature, and applying the perfect wax to maximize performance. Every day, she brings her unique perspective as a former skier to this critical role.

For Stefani, this transition wasn't just about staying close to the sport she loves; it was about empowerment. She embodies the belief that girls can achieve anything, and through her work, she continues to inspire women, demonstrating that barriers are there to be broken.

Watch the whole video with Stefani here.