
15 km Einzel Frauen


10 km Sprint Junioren - Junior Cup

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10 km Sprint Männer - IBU Cup


7.5 km Sprint Frauen - IBU Cup


15 km Einzel Frauen - Weltcup

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Jeanmonnot’s Perfect Shooting Keys Ruhpolding Individual Win

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Vebjørn Sørum mit Premierensieg im Einzel von Ruhpolding

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Jeanmonnot’s Perfect Shooting Keys Ruhpolding Individual Win

France’s Lou Jeanmonnot matched her perfect shooting in her earlier Kontiolahti Short Individual victory this afternoon, taking the Ruhpolding Women’s 15 km Individual in 41:35.5. The French start controlled the top spot from the first standing stage, going unchallenged to her fourth victory this season.

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