Puff and Botn win in the first Sprint in Idre Fjall

Johanna Puff of Germany and Johan Olav Botn of Norway won in the first of the two Sprints at the IBU Cup in Idre Fjall.

For Puff, it was the first-ever win in the IBU Cup in her first start of the season in the IBU Cup. Botn won for the third time this winter.

First IBU Cup win for Puff

Puff shot 10/10 and won in 22:23.0. Jenny Enodd of Norway, missing one shot, finished second, 3.3 seconds behind the German. Jeanne Richard of France, with one miss, completed the podium 14.7 seconds behind Puff.

The Winner’s words - Johanna Puff

“I showed a superb performance today. Last year, I was sick at this time of the year, and I couldn't join the IBU Cup team. I spent the majority of the season in the IBU Junior Cup. This win means a lot. Clean shooting and fast skiing, I couldn't have asked for more!”

Watch Women's Sprint Highlights here

Ella Halvarsson of Sweden, with one miss, finished fourth, 17.4 seconds behind the winner from Germany. Ocean Michelon joined her teammate Richard in the Flower ceremony in fifth place, 18.7 seconds behind the winner. Frida Dokken of Norway shot 10/10 and finished in sixth place, 19.5 seconds behind Puff.

Richard remains the women's IBU Cup Total Score leader.

Third consecutive win for Botn

Botn won in 25:35.3. Botn's teammates Martin Nevland, 2.1 seconds behind, and Martin Uldal, 13.9 seconds behind, completed the all-Norwegian podium.

Botn missed one shot in each of the shooting stages. But - banking on his superb skiing - he remained unbeaten in the IBU Cup in the 2023-2024 season. Nevland was spotless on the shooting range and collected his first-ever Sprint podium in the IBU Cup. For Uldal, it was the first IBU Cup podium of the winter.

The Winner's words - Johan Olav Botn

"My energy levels were quite low before the start of today's Sprint, but I got angry after the first miss. I stepped up my ski speed and got lucky at the end, beating Martin (Nevland) with just 2.1 seconds margin," said Botn.

Watch Men's Sprint Highlights here

Philipp Horn of Germany, missing one shot, finished fourth, 14.1 seconds behind Botn. Horn's team colleague Danilo Riethmueller, with a clean sheet from the shooting range, crossed the finish line fifth, just 0.3 seconds behind Horn. Vettel Paulsen of Norway, with one miss, completed the Flower ceremony podium in sixth place, 21.8 seconds behind Botn.

Botn remains the men's IBU Cup Total Score leader.

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Photo: IBU: Per Danielsson


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