Presidents' Meeting 2021

The Presidents' Meeting in Munich, held from 10-12 September 2021, was a fruitful opportunity for representatives of the Biathlon Family to gather together to discuss important topics that will influence the future of Biathlon and exchange ideas on how we can best take our sport forward.

The third meeting of its kind, the Presidents' Meeting 2021 also took a very important decision in approving our vision, mission and overall objectives for 2030 that will now set the priorities for the sport of biathlon for the years ahead.

Please see below for copies of the meeting documentation.

Activity Report 2020/2021

Activity Report 2020/2021 presentationActivity Report 2020/2021Tätigkeitsbericht 2020/2021Отчет о деятельности 2020/2021

Biathlon Integrity Unit report

BIU report

Communications update

Communications update

Fluor status report

Fluor status report

Qualification process OWG 2022

Qualification process OWG 2022

Street/summer biathlon concept

Street/summer biathlon concept

Development update

Development update

Vision, Mission, Objectives proposal

Vision, Mission, Objectives proposal

Future NF financial support

Future NF financial support

Budget frames 2022/2026

Budget frames 2022/2026

Governance update

Governance update

Gender Equality update

Gender Equality update

Sustainability update

Sustainability update

Revenues for the Biathlon Family

Revenues for the Biathlon Family

Congress 2022 update

Congress 2022 update

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