The Pacific Rim nations from the Americas and Ocenia came together with the IBU President and management team members in a hybrid meeting in Los Angeles on 17-18 April with a total of 13 participants from 7 NFs. While the representatives of Biathlon National Federations (NFs) in North, Central and South America were present in person, the NFs from Australia and New Zealand spared themselves the long trip and participated virtually.
Meanwhile, the Southern European NFs met in Jahorina (Sarajevo), Bosnia-Herzegovina from 12-13 May. This meeting took place in conjunction with the traditional Balkan Conference and saw the participation of 31 representatives from 11 IBU NFs. Finally, the NFs in Central and West Europe convened in Munich on 15-16 May. The meeting at the well-known IBU meeting hotel at the Munich Airport saw the participation of another 11 NFs being present with 31 representatives.
The purpose of the Region Meeting series was to gather feedback on the progress of the IBU's strategic plan, Target 26, and to strengthen the collaboration between the IBU and its member federations. The IBU also sought to identify best practices and concrete measures to support national infrastructure and sport development effectively. During the meeting, representatives from the National Federations presented their current national structures and programs for managing and organizing biathlon in their home countries. The discussions focused on sharing challenges and opportunities for the growth of biathlon and how both the IBU and the National Federations can work better together going forward.
The IBU is committed to driving the growth of biathlon and ensuring a bright future for the sport. Through these Regional Meetings with the entire membership–a total of 49 member NFs participated of the total of 61 –the IBU is working closely with the NFs to shape the strategic direction and achieve the ambitious common goals for 2030. The feedback gained and the data gathered during the regional series is currently being collated and analyzed. The results along with recommendations for the next steps of the IBU’s strategy will be reviewed by the IBU Executive Board in its June meeting and then shared with the IBU Presidents’ Meeting on 1 July 2023 in Vienna AUT, where the IBU’s 30th Anniversary Jubilee dinner will be held on the same day.