Presidents’ Meeting 2023

The IBU Presidents’ Meeting in Vienna was held on 1 July 2023 on the occasion of the federation’s 30th anniversary and centred on how to secure the sport’s future for decades to come. The meeting featured a number of keynotes and interactive panel discussions to encourage debate around the IBU’s overall objectives.

Please see below for copies of the meeting documentation.

Activity Report 2022/2023

Activity Report 2022/2023

From Target 26 to Target 2030 by Max Cobb

From Target 26 to Target 2030

Keynote 1: Glen Killane - Eurovision Sport

Eurovision Sport update

Keynote 2: Benjamin Boldt - Best Practice in Promoting Sport and Content Usage

Best Practice in Promoting Sport and Content Usage

Workshop Result Sports: Mario Leo - Digital Content Reach and Viewership

Digital Content Reach and Viewership

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