Nomination of Development & Sustainability Commissions

The IBU released the application call for the Development and Sustainability Commissions. The National Federations can nominate their candidates for these two important commissions until 15 January 2023.


The Application Forms (via IBU Scope) for both Commissions can the found here.


Development Commission Terms of ReferenceSustainability Commission Terms of Reference

Development Commission (DC)

This Commission will consist of seven (7) appointed members, proposed by the NFs and confirmed by the IBU Executive Board, based on a proposal from the Development Director. The commission should support the IBU´s development concept which is based on 4 pillars:

  1. Popularisation

  2. Education

  3. Athlete Development

  4. NF Development

The composition of the commission shall aim to ensure appropriate balance among the membership by relevant background and experience, IBU development category representation, gender, and culture. The DC´s term of office will be from election congress to election congress. The DC will meet at least twice each calendar year.

The tasks of the DC will include:

  • Provide expert opinions and proposals to EB about the long-term development strategy

  • Support IBU regarding development programmes through constant assessment and adaptation of activities

  • Assist annual review and recommend planning of development activities

  • Work in close cooperation with other commissions and working groups (e.g. working groups for Academy, Regional Events, Research Grant, Gender Equality)

  • Act as Development Ambassador and promote the vision and work of the IBU

Sustainability Commission (SC)

This Commission will also consist of seven (7) appointed members, proposed by the NFs, confirmed by the EB, and based on a proposal from the IBU senior staff member coordinating its work. At least three members of SC will be female and three will be male. A member of the IBU Executive Board is appointed as a liaison to the EB. A member of the IBU senior staff with substantial knowledge of sustainability will chair the Commission.

The DC´s term of office will be from election congress to election congress. The DC will meet at least twice each calendar year.

The main roles of the SC are:

  • Support the IBU´s sustainability strategy and make proposals to the EB

  • Promote awareness and endorse actions around this topic

  • Review the IBU´s sustainability policy and procedures

  • Review current measures and develop recommendations on how to reduce the IBU’s the carbon footprint to meet the commitment of a 50% reduction by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2030

  • Support the IBU in regard to sustainable events

  • Leverage its network of experts in and beyond the sport

  • Propose and review research projects regarding sustainability

  • Contribute to and review the yearly IBU sustainability report

  • Act as a sustainability ambassador in all related matters, actively communicating the vision and mission of the sport

Contact Person Development Commission:

Contact Person Sustainability Commission:

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