IBU Technical Delegates Group

IBU Technical Delegates Group

The IBU Technical Delegates´ Group is under the jurisdiction of the IBU Technical Committee and is comprised of experienced international sport technical experts in Biathlon. Assigned by the IBU Technical Committee those persons serve as Technical Delegates (TDs) or IBU Referees (IBU Rs) at IBU Events to ensure that the Event is conducted according to the IBU Event and Competition Rules and with other pertinent IBU regulations. The TD is the chairman of the Competition Juries (both men and women), and one of the IBU Rs is a member as well.

TDs and IBU Rs work closely with the IBU Race Director by assisting him in technical matters and by supporting/advising the respective Organizing Committees to ensure that the competitions are held as well as possible.

IBU Travel Expenses

IBU Travel Expenses (version 2022)

IBU TD Report Form

IBU TD Report Form

IBU Technical Delegates